Poetry and fiction may sound as the same or different things depending on a number of factors. You may base this on the structure of the two, or their effect on the reader, any measure you may use to compare or contrast them, but they are all written content with a particular aim, may be a similar one-to educate.
Part of what will make the reader’s eyes go wide open and whisper that wished for line is an interesting use of rhythm. Oh sure, it is really important in poetry, you say. And, yes it is. I used to say that free verse poetry had no rhythm and no rhyme. I was only partially correct. It often has no rhyme. It does have rhythm – the rhythm of the language. It is there in fiction too. As a fiction writer you can use that rhythm to your advantage.
Rhythm may be obvious in a poem and not so obvious when it comes to fiction. How do you hear the rhythm when Bob S 2writing fiction? The same way one does when writing poetry. Read the piece out loud. Get into the habit of doing this. Look for the ebb and flow. If you do, it will help to carry the reader away on your words. By the way, it will help you with your public performances.
Rhythm is just one component that goes into a poem or a piece of fiction. As a fiction writer you already know what the other elements are that must be in your fiction – plot, setting, character, crisis, resolution, etc. But, the question which comes at some point is, whether you write fiction or poetry, “Is this any good?”
Sourced From: http://www.fictorians.com/2013/03/15/what-can-a-poet-say-to-a-fiction-writer-about-writing/
Fiction is a basic aspect of literature, which is at the heart of every society’s moral education. Fictional writing in books and novels, stories and other forms helps people experience some taboos and moral related issues first-hand. Bringing together these social and cosmic taboos comes in handy in addressing them within the social context and understanding them better.
Literature, like novels and comics, allow us to experience such taboos “first-hand”: it’s happening “to you” and “no one else”, though it still allows you to talk it out with fellow readers.
Weaving these kinds of social taboos, along with strictly comics taboos, writers like John Milton, James Joyce, and – as I will be arguing in follow up posts – comic writer Alan Moore help move readers forward in their thinking to be better moral agents and, therefore, better people.
Hitting close to the mind also means hitting close to the heart, in these cases. Writers, as creator gods, can fashion characters we can – often literally – fall in love with, only to kill them off due to the dictates of story. Consider how often people have cried over poetry, over literature, or, indeed, over character deaths. Characters aren’t merely “squiggles on a page”: they are given form and life as much as anyone else – our reactions might be less by degrees, but not different in terms of kind.
Sourced From: http://bigthink.com/against-the-new-taboo/the-moral-importance-of-fiction-and-literature
Children are fond of getting exposure to new things. Reading brings about this exposure more effectively as children get to learn about new aspects in life. Fictional writing and poetry as well play a major role here, helping children develop their confidence, language and emotional control among other basics.
Confidence Levels
Children who can read well are more likely to have higher confidence levels. This will benefit them in school as they’ll feel able to participate fully in activities. Another part of building confidence and self-esteem is knowing where you fit into the world. Stories can help with this process by showing children what people’s lives are like where they live and in other parts of the world.
Language and Learning
Stories are a great way to introduce new words and ideas into a child’s language – starting with picture books for the very young, working up to more complex novels for teenagers. Stories can help children learn about concepts such as shape, size, space and color, up and down, inside and outside, numbers and the names of objects. They can also teach children about everyday tasks, such as how to brush their teeth, taking care of animals, cleaning and tidying and preparing food.
Coping With Feelings
When children read stories that contain feelings it can help them understand and accept their own feelings. It helps them understand that there are other children who feel the same way and they are not alone. This helps the child understand that feelings are normal and should be expressed. Watching their responses to the feelings of the characters in the stories will give you some idea of how a child feels about certain situations and emotions. For example, how the child responds to the character in the story feeling sad or scared will give you some idea of how the child thinks.
Sourced From: http://www.writersbureau.com/writing/Why-are-stories-important-for-children.htm